Many of you know, because you are my family, that my sister, Tracy, is pregnant. Right now she is 31+ weeks and is bed-bound in the hospital until baby Joey joins the family. In light of that, Tracy this is for you...
Things to do while in bed... and unable to get out.
1. Write a letter, or several. It's a lost art, and I love getting handwritten mail.
2. Knit. Even if you've dabbled in the past... now you can get really good and learn to make socks!
3. Write a book. You're going to be there for a while (we hope-- only because that's what's best for Joey)
4. Read a book. You can create a Nook account on even if you don't have a nook-- you can read on your computer. If you do ever get a Nook, your library will be automatically linked.
5. Surf the Web. Check out This website asks you to list what you like and dislike to help find interesting websites for you. It can become addictive because you can find truly amazing information about the things and activities you love.
6. Blog. You haven't done it in a while, heck, I haven't done it in a while, but you are better than I am, so get to it!
7. Get caught up on your TV. can be your best friend-- watch past/current seasons of your favorite tv shows or find new shows to follow. (community is well worth the laugh)
That's it for now... just 7. Maybe tomorrow I'll have 7 more for you. Maybe I will continue to have 7 ideas for you for the next 7 days. I think 7 will be your lucky number.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
you sweetie! thanks for the ideas-i am a rotten knitter, but i am crocheting...i love you!